, a new online auction site, an alternative to eBay, where you can buy, trade or sell auction style. is located in Yamhill, Oregon, having gone live in early August. was started because of the acute awareness of the very high costs of listing, cutting into the seller’s profit, and the lack of customer service. will strive to keep listings free and maintain great customer service. Auctionhwy is striving to be a major addition to the on line auction industry. has entered the competition, wanting a real share of the buyers and sellers market. Many auction web sites have tried to compete and Auctionhwy .com is here to take away some of the expense that is running rampant in the crowded auction marketplace. Moving forward with the site, is offering the features of the expensive mega-sites. Auctionhwy’s goal is to attract and keep sellers with great auctions, foreseeing that this will in turn attract additional buyers. offers free listings, no closing costs and along with additional incentives gives the sellers more profits from their sales. Sellers are invited to display their banners on Auctionhwy.
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