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March 30, 2004

Ten Principles of Highly Ethical Business Leaders

1. Treat all employees as unique, valuable individuals.
Never treat anyone as though they are dispensable, without value, or "just a number."

2. Support each employee's freedom, growth, and development.
Never view anyone through stereotypes and images, or as fixed and unchangeable.

3. Communicate to employees by name with respect.
Never use or impose demeaning, trivializing, or derogatory names on others.

4. Model and encourage a balanced life of good work and rest.
Do not adopt policies or make demands on employees that undermine balanced lives.

5. Honor and respect employee families.
Never undervalue the significance of families and friends of employees.

6. Protect employees' life, safety, and health.
Never harm or jeopardize the physical well-being of anyone.

7. Create a working environment free of sexual harassment.
Do not allow communication or activity that is sexually inappropriate.

8. Be fair and just in financial matters.
Never tolerate unfair wages, prices, or financial practices.

9. Communicate honestly and truthfully.
Never mischaracterize people, products, services, or facts.

10. Cultivate a positive attitude toward others and their accomplishments.
Do not give in to envy or the temptation to take credit for the work of others.

From www.ethix.org

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