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July 12, 2004

Why Not Barter?

I was recently looking at joining a local Golf & Country Club and before I joined, I looked at the website. Later I made a comment to my mother-in-law who is a member, telling her that the site looked like "butt". Well my mother-in-law talked to the director of the club and mentioned that they should have me re-do their site. I am not as real web site guru, but I know my a bit of HTML and can find the tools to make a site look pretty good.

I offered to re-do and regularly update the site, and they offered me a free initiation as a social member and a couple of rounds of golf a month. Basically I am getting $250 worth of trade a month for my services. Barter is cool!

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Sounds like a cool deal. Let's hope they don't figure out how easy web design can be!!


Ty, there are some great bartering web sites out there!!!! Let me try to find some of the ones I used to use. I'll get back to you.

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