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May 01, 2006

A Photo of Manbearpig

He's half man, half bear and half pig...he's MANBEARPIG.

Manbearpig Daily Kos via GOP Vixen:

"... Last night's South Park episode seemed to imply, if not to blatantly claim, that global warming is equal to a fictional monster.  Global warming is a real and serious problem, and to equate it with a 'ManBearPig' is just ignorant and irresponsible.  And portraying Al Gore as a whiny little bitch whom 'nobody likes' is just, frankly, rude and insulting.

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Sure it's insulting, but it seems accurate to me. :)

Global warming may be a real issue/problem, but it's not caused by SUV's, internal combustion engines, air-conditioning, or anything else people are doing. Global warming appears to be related to the sun. Venus and Mars are both experiencing global warming, and I find it hard to believe people on Earth are causing that. :)


It is not about whether or not Global Warming is or is not a problem! It is about how Al Gore is always jumping on something to be popular (ie. "I invented the internet!"). AL gore is just a crazy politician that seeks a super amount of attention.

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