Are Baby Changing Stations really safe?
Corporate America is lying to you - the fact is, the use of Baby Smashers as "baby changing stations" is endangering our health. The unsanitary nature of using a publicly accessible device to change the dirty diapers of babies should be an obvious red flag to the average consumer. However, it seems as if big business has managed to pull the wool over our fine country's eyes yet again. Disease and filth are inadvertently being spread throughout the adult population via urine and fecal matter residue left on Baby Smashers by those using them as "baby changing stations".
Before the birth of my 4th child I was researching cloth diapering methods and stumbled across a book called "Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene" by Ingrid Bauer. I bought the book used and am now using the elimination communication (EC) techniques it describes. No more changing stations for me! I simply use my son's signals and knowing his timing and let him go in the toilet instead of the diaper. He's only 5 1/2 months old and does great. We average 3-4 misses each day so I wash a few diapers in the laundry. In most countries of the world babies are left naked or covered with simple gowns and parents know how to deal with their chilren's needs without destroying the earth with unbiodegradable diapers in landfills. Why don't more of us in the USA learn this technique and make our country cleaner and put these companies, that enslave us to diapering and all the paraphanalia that goes with it, out of business? Our children will be healthier and the world cleaner for the next generation.
Posted by: My sons' mom | August 17, 2006 at 08:36 PM