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September 20, 2007

Baby Got Book

How about a Sir Mix-A-Lot parody about the Bible?

Mix-A-Lot is a Seattle icon, he actually DJed a dance at my High School in 1985.

This video is not Sir Mix-A-Lot, but the song is based on a Sir Mix-A-Lot song.  Funny stuff.


Check out this video...

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Chuck Fesperman

That's the best video I've seen in awhile. Finally a rap song with real content!


Too Funny! I'm still laughing. Christian, Rap, and Comedy all in one. It's a good day.


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hey girls Oprah Winfrey did a show recently on work from home jobs, here is a couple companies that were suggested on the show as legit. http://www.thelegitonlinejobs.com and I also found a couple blogs for there sites so you can see what other people have to say http://thelegitonlinejobss.blogspot.com , I tried http://www.thelegitonlinejobs.com and they work great, I made $731.92 dollars my first week. Your answers are there. good luck

Patricia Makhulo

Ok...that was holy hot! I bet wherever JC is right now he was doubled over. Heavens knows I was! You gotta add the wedding dance video that was super sweet!

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