...and Certified Alarm Clock Killer
I like to occasionally assign myself a new title. I've been known as Ty Tribble, Husband, Dad and Entrepreneur for a while but I thought Certified Alarm Clock Killer has a nice ring (or no ring!) to it.
To be transparent, I do have an alarm clock and it is used for a handful of occasions:
1. Church - starts at 9AM and we usually serve communion so, can't be late.
2. Golf or Fishing - good reasons to get up early.
3. Travel - I guess I always look for the best deal online when booking travel and sometimes forget how much it sucks getting to the airport at 5AM.
Then there are my kids...love 'em, but they frankly start school before I would like to get up in the morning.
Don't get me wrong, I work hard. Sometimes 12 hours in a day, but I work on my schedule and I don't miss many swim meets, recitals or baseball games.
Life of a Work At Home Dad. If you would like to join me, (as a Work At Home Dad) visit here: Ty Tribble, Job Killer = )
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