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May 10, 2008

Majority Have Thought About Starting Their Own Business

A recent online poll in Memphis suggests more people are consider starting their own business.

The vast majority of those taking part in a Memphis Business Journal online poll said they have considered starting their own business in the past year.

68 percent of those who responded said they have had urges to go it alone to one degree or another.

The story continues...

At least one reader said that only through working for themselves will they feel compensated for their real value.

"I have worked for a large corporation for 29 years. Sadly, it has taken me that long to realize that I will never make the money I am worth as long as I'm working for someone else," they wrote. "We experience more and more losses to attrition, are completely overworked, and are told over and over again how we need to cut spending. . . Meanwhile, our execs are making millions upon millions of dollars with stupendous stock options. I blame myself for getting sucked in to the cycle. To rectify my mistake, I must look at options for starting my own business."

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Network Marketing

This is great. Tell us more about your business in North America. Join us here Network marketing and home based business tips

Jason Mathew

Good. I agree with the fact that working for your own self will get you more money, but this also depends on the fact that how much experience a person has. Any how working or starting your own business is always a good idea. Good Topic....keep posting....


I have been downsized twice from the financial sector. No job is safe from a downsize. Everybody is replacable. I now work from home and I have nobody to blame but myself if I don't make enough money.


For freedom guys!


For freedom guys!


Yes I felt the same way about not being paid what I was worth after working for a firm for 17 years, puting my all into it , and seeing coworkers not doing their jobs and making the same money! So finally I had had enough and went out on my own. I am so much happier working for myself, even though at first not making near as much, just loosing the stress, makes a big difference.


I can totally understand people wanting to own their own business. I know from personal experience because I am self employed. It is definitely challenging and there can be a lot of risk involved. To anyone considering, best of luck to you!!

Work At home Dad

Great Post I really found your article to be very informative,i know because i work from home in telecommunications, just a work at home dad!


Yes definitely everybody is planning to start a business with a small amount of investment but everybody is losing patience with the time taken.They are not realizing that starting a business is not easy its takes time and hard work.


While exiting, remember it takes hard work.

- Avoid any offer that promises you’ll make a lot of money for very little work.
- Don’t rely on a money-back guarantee. Con artists rarely give money back.
- Be wary of testimonials or endorsements.
- See if the Better Business Bureau has a Reliability Report on the company.
- Never give a credit card, debit card or checking account number to any person or company that promises employment. If they wantyou to pay them it’s a scam!
- Keep a positive attitude. You are likely to fail a few times before you learn the ropes.

A comprehensive list can be found here: http://excarsalesman.typepad.com/scams/

N. Khan

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Work At Home Dad