I am sick and tired of being lumped into the baby changin' , play date arrangin', bottle washin', Stay At Home Dad category. I am a WORK At Home Dad...meaning a I create a significant income from home. As a matter of fact, my income is large enough to offer my wife the option of working outside of the home or not. She chooses not. (Although that is not 100% true because she is always volunteering at our children's school).
I seem to remember writing about my wife being a Stay At Home Mom, yet she is never home during the day.
But I digress. Here is the deal. If a mother is the money earner and the father is staying home with the children, I don't really have a problem with it, but it would be nice if Daddy-O would start a business that would enable his wife to quit her job so that she can enjoy the beauty and fun of raising her children.
Don't you think that two parents at home raising their children is better than 1 (or none)?
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